
Friday, August 24, 2012

Aeonium arboreum rubrolineatum

Aeonium arboreum rubrolineatum

I've always loved this species of Aeonium.  It is robust, sturdy, and freely branching like other arboreum cultivars but what makes this one unique is the beautiful coloring. In late spring, the leaves turn ash brown with maroon striping and margins, exaggerated on the undersides of each leaf.  The maroon markings are unique on each plant. During the cool/growing season, colors turn back to a rich green and the maroon markings disappear.

A smaller plant showing more prominent markings.
This one was a show stopper!

Colors fading as the plant prepares for summer dormancy.

Summer dormancy

Developing inflorescence


  1. Nice post, I have become a fan of Aeoniums in general for the garden, easy to multiply and love them on mass as well. LT

    1. Thanks LT! Definitely one of the easiest plants to grow!

    2. Should have added, would not mind a copy of this one! LOL!
